Apple Picker - ReadMe File

Author: Quinten Ruff

Modified: 2024-09-04

0. Link to

  No answer given.  

1. What are the controls to your game? How do we play?

  After hitting play move the mouse left and right to move your basket to catch apples and avoid bombs.

2. What creative additions did you make? How can we find them?

  I added bombs that will fall roughly 10% of the time an apple is supposed to spawn. You have to dodge it or lose a basket.
I also added a new background.

3. Any assets used that you didn't create yourself?


4. Did you receive help from anyone outside this class?


5. Did you get help from any AI Code Assistants?

  I asked chatGPT how to introduce spin on an object with physics, for the bombs. I've done this before but forgot the exact name of RigidBody.AddTorque and its parameters.

6. Did you get help from any online websites, videos, or tutorials?


7. What trouble did you have with this project?

  Ive only used Unity in 2D before for my personal projects so not being able to just drag in a png to the scene for my background was a speedbump.

8. Is there anything else we should know?

Made withUnity

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